Reply To: Temporary Reduction of VAT for Restaurant/Cafe Food and Beverage Sales

Home Forums Temporary Reduction of VAT for Restaurant/Cafe Food and Beverage Sales Reply To: Temporary Reduction of VAT for Restaurant/Cafe Food and Beverage Sales

Dwayne Ross

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the update on the VAT program couple of points:

– When will the program be available, are we to contact support as normal or will the new “Program” be installed onto our head office server?
– Same as Tom questions regarding the £10 per person discount scheme, any support from C&F on implementing this?

Finally any thoughts from other group members on what you may or may not do regarding the VAT drop. Are you looking to pass on some discount to the customers? At Coolings we are likely to reduce the price of some core lines like Tea / Coffee but overall will not be passing the full discount on to customers.


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